I love this post by smArt Class: http://http://elementaryartfun.blogspot.com/2011/09/lines-lines-and-fish-bowls-oh-my.html.  Natalie spoke of using this project to teach the children about overlapping patterns. I just love the way it shows children how to make patterns which follow each other and the visual effect of them seaming to be spoken. I would put strings of words between and include a lesson about the words which we speak and how they cannot be taken back.

….Then I found a time and moment….

I found a space to try this project with my children.  I brought in the life lesson about not being able to take back the words we have spoken and how words affect people.  Unfortunately I did not have the resources on the spot to be able to capture and print the image of each child so they drew themselves.  This was not ideal as it took the focus off the patterns.  I encouraged them to fill the gaps with letters after they have completed the patterns.


A3 white student cartridge

6B pencils – draw self in profile speaking

Wax crayons – draw patterns twisting and growing in size from mouth to the end of the page

Dye – everything but the pencil person

I would not deem the lesson a success as it was rushed in only an hour.  I would like to try it again though with personalised pics.